Lance Sprinkle
10 Mountain Ledge Dr
Wilton, New York, 12831
United States
APT HelpDesk
7540 Windsor Dr Suite 204
Allentown, Pennsylvania, 18195
United States
One of the many decks I designed for my buddies at GoldCoast made it into production. This is an example of a longer callout. This is an example of an even longer callout than the one featured previously. This is an example of a longcallout. Some packaging, identity and apparel graphics for craft brewing company Green Flash. Refreshed identity and materials for a cultural icon in NoCo San Diego. Here is a collage of some things I worked on while at Nixon. People hire me to make funky stuff for them.
Vlaamse standpunten vrij vrank ongebonden onkoninklijk onconventioneel kritisch satirisch ironisch. De Belgische justitie is verre van doeltreffend om recht en rechtvaardigheid te beheren. In haar puriteins streven om te oordelen naar de letter van de wet, stelt zij - op de regelmaat van een klok- klaarblijkelijke misdadigers in vrijheid.
Is the domain I use for storing my personal information. You may be looking for my blog. Or my various other accounts at Twitter.